Thursday, December 17, 2009

The End...For Now

The end of my semester in Los Angeles has finally arrived, and I will be going home for a few weeks on Sunday. However, I will be returning to Los Angeles to continue my broadcasting for the Ontario Reign and a position with the Los Angeles Clippers of the NBA as an Inside Sales Executive.

What a semester this was! I have no doubt about it that this was my most favorite semester of college and one of the best experiences of my life. Everyone was telling me before I came that it would be a fantastic time. However, no one's words could compare with the time that I had here, and I am truly grateful for it all!

The best part of being here were my internships. The Los Angeles Kings are a great organization to work for, and I loved every minute of my time there. A big thank you to Jeremy Zager for hiring me, along with Nick Nickson, Daryl Evans, John Traconis, Bob Miller, Jim Fox, and everyone else with the organization that made this experience as great as it was. From watching the games to learning from the broadcasters and everything in between, I am so happy I interned with the Kings.

Citi Cable 3 gave me an opportunity to write, report, and produce content that would air on a weekly show, "The Sports Desk." To get on-air and report on what I wanted was a great experience for me. I am so grateful to Bonnie Prickitt, our host, for hiring me, as well as to all the coaches and athletes who allowed me into interview them. You all made the experience extremely worthwhile!

Finally, the Ontario Reign gave me the chance to broadcast games for a sport I love. I have absolutely enjoyed having this opportunity and look forward to continuing my work with the team. The people at the Reign are great to work with and really value my role.

There were so many great activities I took part in while here in Los Angeles, and it was really hard for me to narrow them down to my Top 10, but here they are (I've added links to my blog posts about it):

10) Hollywood Sign Hike and Venice Beach
9) Wednesday Tradition
8) The Price is Right and Family Feud
7) San Francisco/UFL Trip
6) Knicks-Lakers
5) Yankees-Angels ALCS and Yankees-Angels Reg. Season
4) Six Flags Magic Mountain
3) Green Day Concert
2) Blink 182/Fall Out Boy/All-American Rejects Concert
1) Trip to California

I am not sure how much I will be able to post when I go home or when I return. However, I will definitely keep things updated from time-to-time. If you are interested in tickets to a Los Angeles Clippers game, feel free to contact me! My email address is you all soon!